恋するフォーチューンクッキー 中洲 Ver.

“博多美人” “芸どころ博多”の名にかけて、260人以上の中洲を愛する皆さんにご出演いただきました。
中洲を支える皆が一体となって、安全安心な街 クリーンな街を目指します!

Koisuru Fortune Cookie ~Nakasu Hakata Ver.~ 

“Nakasu As One!”
When you cross “Deai-Bridge” during sunset, you can see the neon lights from Nakasu-island. Nakasu represents the island of entertainment and Hakata Beauty; it is the city of enthusiasm. As a community, Nakasu has continually strived to promote a positive and safe environment. This concept, “Nakasu As One!” is supported by the local Nakasu lovers who are making their best efforts to improve their community. On behalf of those nakasu supporters, about250 applicants joined this project, Koisuru Fortune Cookie~Nakasu Ver.~ “Nakasu As One”. Hope you enjoy this video!